The world’s fastest and easiest way to hang picture frames

Hang picture frames

TapHanger Picture Frame Hanging Kit

Hang it Fast, Hang it EASY

TapHanger® is the world’s fastest and easiest way to hang picture frames. You’ll be able to hang frames on your walls in about one minute, and the frames will never need to be straightened no matter how many doors you slam. Yet you may easily remove the frame from the wall in just seconds. There will be nothing to clean up, and your wall will have no damage. You’ll actually have FUN hanging your picture frames!

Each TapHanger® kit comes with the TapHanger tool and 80 special TapHanger TapTacks – enough to hang 40 picture frames.

Purchase TapHangers at

See the TapHanger® installation video below

Watch the video below to see how easy it is to hang your picture frames with TapHanger®.

  Please note: 

(1) remove all existing hanging hardware from the back of your frame before installing the TapTacks; 

(2) even though just two TapTacks will hold frames that weigh up to 20 pounds, the TapTacks are quite small – do not ‘pound’ the TapTacks into your frame or you may bend the TapTack. 

Depending upon the hardness of the picture frame’s wood, you may be able to simply push the TapTacks into the frame.

 If not, gently tap the TapTack into the frame with a hammer, watching the TapTack as it goes into the frame. 

If it begins to bend, move the TapHanger tool to one side or the other while gently tapping the TapTack in and the TapTack will not bend. Watch the video for more information.

Installation instruction video:

Hang Wood Picture Frames in less than a minute!

Join waiting list for TapHanger TapTacks refills here.